Past Landscape Grant Recipients
2020 Landscape Grants
Public House of Worship, Rye
Hampton Falls Town Hall
Goss Farm, Rye
Learning Skills Academy, Rye
Lincoln Akerman School, Hampton Falls
Richie McFarland Childrens Center, Stratham.
2018 Lanscape Grants
Cornerstone School, Stratham. The Montessori school has a large garden for its students. They will use their grant money to build a protective fence around the garden.​
Seacoast Science Center, Rye. The Science Center is planning a new garden with a gazebo to enhance its space for events and weddings.
Shoals Marine Lab on Appledore Island. The lab plans to build a covering near Celia Thaxter's garden on the island to provide shade for visitors.
2008-2016 Landscape Grants
Hampton Falls Historical Society (front of bldg)
Rye Public Library (children's area, blueberry bushes)
Webster at Rye
Connors Cottage (annuals for apartments in Portsmouth)
Friends of Bicentennial Park
Hampton, Great Bay Discovery Center
Post Office Square Realty Trust (Hampton Falls)
Rye Junior High School
Centennial Hall, North Hampton
Seacoast Science Center, Rye (butterfly garden)
Rye Junior High School (community garden, athletic field)
Rye Public Library (continue family garden project)
Hampton Historical Society
Hampton Falls Community Improvement Fund
Bicentennial Park, Hampton
Portsmouth High School
Hampton Falls Free Library
Strawberry Bank, Portsmouth
Rye Public Library
Rye Conservation Commission
Hampton Historical Society, Tuck Museum (Lilac Sunday)
Rye Elementary School
North Hampton School
Hampton Falls Town Hall
Rye Department of Public Works
Lincoln Akerman
2019 Lanscape Grants
Cornerstone School, Stratham. The Montessori school will continue to enhance its large garden for its students. They will use this year's grant money to help replace the original raised beds.​
Rye Historical Society, Rye. The Historical Society in the center of Rye will install a bird bath and make general garden improvements.
North Hampton School, N. Hampton. The school will use its grant to create a butterfly garden.
2017 Landscape Grants
In lieu of landscaping grants, this year RDGC sponsored 2 students to attend the UNH Plant Camp! at UNH this summer. Plant Camp! is a fun-filled, week-long day camp for children to explore and learn about plants, their use and their role in our world.
UNH Plant Camp
In 2018, the Club voted to support the UNH Plant Camp! on a yearly basis. In 2017, RDGC sponsored 2 students to attend the camp. Plant Camp! a fun-filled, week-long day camp for children to explore and learn about plants, their use and their role in our world.